Whistler Market Update – December 2021
The Sales to Active Listings Ratio Special
The Sales to Active Listings Ratio is the number of sales divided by the number of listings (in a month)
Sellers’ Market: When the ratio is 20% or higher for a sustained period.
Balanced market: When the ratio is between 12% – 20% for a sustained period.
Buyers’ Market: When the ratio is below 12% for a sustained period.
Here’s our ratio history since the Pandemic hit:
Nov 2021: 59%
Oct 2021: 36%
Sept 2021: 50%
Aug 2021: 40%
July 2021: 45%
June 2021: 35%
May 2021: 41%
Apr 2021: 36%
Mar 2021: 53%
Feb 2021: 48%
Jan 2021: 39%
Dec 2020: 23%
Nov 2020: 40%
Oct 2020: 40%
Sept 2020: 24%
Aug 2020: 17% (A Balanced Market!)
July 2020: 17%
June 2020: 12% (Buyers’ Market)
May 2020: 4% (extremely strong buyers’ market!)
April 2020: 3%
March 2020: 7%
Feb 2020: 13% (pre-pandemic, balanced market)